Voice Chat is Coming to Roblox

Voice Chat is Coming to Roblox

Did you hear?!! Voice chat is coming to Roblox!! Isn’t this exciting and will change the way we can manage to play game!

Roblox, the biggest gaming platform, has finally decided to level up its standards with the announcement of the new voice chat feature. Roblox has announced a new feature known as Spatial Voice.

Other games like PUBG already have a similar feature, like Spatial Voice. With this feature, the gamers can create a metaverse where players can interact with each other in a bit more realistic way.

Before we discuss further about the great news of voice chat is coming to Roblox, first we would like to explain briefly, what Spatial voice feature means.

What is Spatial Voice?

Now that we know voice chat is coming to Roblox, let’s talk about the unique things about this feature. The Spatial Voice allows the players on Roblox to use voice chat, but there’s a catch.

Like in the real world, when you want to talk to someone, you’ve to come near that person to hear what they’re saying.

Suppose you want to talk with someone privately on Roblox; you and that person can go a bit further away from other players. So, only you and your friend can hear each other’s voice without letting others hear your conversation.

In the Roblox Spatial Voice feature, if you want to talk with some other player, you’ve to walk towards him and then when you’re at a certain distance, you can hear what they’re saying. This way, you can talk with your friends in the game like in real life.

You can hear other players’ voices loud and clear when they’re close to you. But you’ll not hear the Voice of someone standing further away from you. You’ll need to go near him to listen to what he’s saying.

Voice Chat is Coming to Roblox | Impact on the Roblox Community

Spatial Voice is a big achievement for the Roblox community. Since voice chat is coming to Roblox, its fan base will increase significantly. This feature is currently not available for everyone. 

The Spatial Voice is only provided to some trusted developers to test it out. Adding the voice chat feature in Roblox means that moderating conversations becomes more challenging for the company.

So, before giving access to this feature to all Roblox users, it needs to be tested thoroughly to avoid any glitches. The company also needs to find a way to prevent the use of inappropriate language before this Spatial Voice feature becomes available for everyone.

Roblox is very strict with its rules, and the company tries to maintain a safe environment for its users, especially children, because most of Roblox users are under 18.

So, for their safety, Roblox bans or suspends all those who violate the platform’s guidelines. The responsibility for safety, especially for children, has significantly increased since voice chat is coming to Roblox.

The developers even decided not to give kids the Spatial Voice feature. We also think it’s a great idea not to provide the kids with access to this feature because they are innocent and may become victims of scammers or online predators.

Roblox feels its responsibility as children are vulnerable and want to test the feature rigorously before it becomes available for all players.

Five thousand developers, mostly 13 or older, have access to the Spatial Voice feature in Roblox. Going slow and steady is an excellent start for Roblox; this way, the company can see the benefits and flaws of its new voice chat feature before going public.

The trusted developers currently testing out the voice chat feature can report any issue with the voice chat feature to the company. The company can then work on glitches and issues to ensure it is safe and ready from all aspects.

Suppose someone is using inappropriate language or trying to scam someone via voice chat. The other players can flag him and report him to the Roblox administrators. The Roblox community can help make the platform safe for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Spatial Voice feature?

It is proximity-based communication feature. It creates the perfect illusion of close-to-reality experience of talking in whispers with person near you.

When is voice chat is coming to Roblox?

The feature was released on 9 November 2021 for age-verified, eligible and age 13+ users.

When is voice chat is coming to Roblox for everyone?

The creators of the game are working on the feature to ensure it is safe to use for children. Also, in this test release, they want to work on all kinks and glitches.


Voice chat is coming to Roblox and bringing a great and tough challenge for the company. But all things aside, if the Spatial Voice feature becomes available for everyone, then without a doubt soon, the game’s popularity will skyrocket.

Players can interact with everyone via voice chat, enhancing the gaming experience, and players won’t have to type messages. Roblox might even become a threat to Discord.

The majority of Roblox users use Discord to communicate with each other. Because up until now, Roblox didn’t have a voice chat feature, and the players had to use Discord.

The flaw with using Discord is that it is not under the control of Roblox; the users can communicate with anyone, even scammers, through Discord.

So, now that Voice chat is coming to Roblox, the company can provide its users with a safe platform where safe voice chatting is provided. With this new feature, Roblox will become the most popular gaming platform among gamers.

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Hanifa Naveed

Content writer, content strategist, and SEO expert
An avid gamer, and enthusiast, Hanifa Naveed enjoys playing Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite. Since she spends many hours, a week playing the game, hence enjoys writing about it.